Love and Hip Hop Atlanta is a TV show directed by David Wolfgang and Jade Sandberg. The reality show began on June 18, 2012 and looks into the lives of number women who are connected to hip hop music. It gets premiered in VH1, and now the show is destined for season four. We continue looking on the tribulations and trials these women go through as they try to balance their personal and professional lives. The ladies have moved from being aspiring artists and businesswomen to being savvy entrepreneurs, wives, lovers and mother who are still struggling to deal with all the challenges that come with their status.
Season four kicks off with Stevie J’s bad behavior that is threatening to spoil Mimi’s newest business venture with Scrappy and Erica struggling with child support. We have Kirk landing a new office and then Nikko is on and about trying to mend the broken fences. As Yung Joc tries to juggle love, we have Rasheeda learning some alarming news from a new artist. Finally, we have Mimi and Nikko solidifying their business relationship as Joseline returns.
Joseline is back trying to make her live better and denying allegations that she is a prostitute or a junkie and has never done drugs. We then have Mimi Faust still battling the dented image as a result of her sex tape. Mimi’s company has got two new rap artists, and she gets caught in a fierce rivalry between the two as each want to stay at the top. She also has to struggle with her separation from Nikko, who now has gone back to his secret wife, Margeaux. Will Margeaux forgive Nikko for his relationship with Mimi as Nikko is finding it hard to be away from Mimi? Will they all get over the Mimi and Nikko sex tape?
Rasheeda and Kirk seem to be back well but with the entry of a new female artist Nicole, Kirk might end up breaking Rasheeda’s heart again. Lil is doing well with his girlfriend Rambi though it might be short-lived as he battles over support for their daughter with Erica Dixon. We then have Momma Dee reuniting with her ex-husband who has been in prison for the last seven years.
Kalenna and Tony are struggling with their finances, and it’s made worse when Tony decides to put their savings and invest in a night club. Now Kalenna has to choose between her marriage and music that is her career.
Yung Joc is now working on his music career after breaking up with Karlie Redd. He wants to ensure he provides for his women and their children and still maintain his current girlfriend.
As the season 4 picks up, Joseline’s co-stars as well as the producers of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 4 are not happy with Joseline testifying under an oath. Here Joseline is taped saying that Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is more of acting than what happens in their lives. They all are not happy with her assessment of what happens behind-the-scenes and even deny that the show is fake or even stage managed. All these have its origin from last year’s reunion where Joseline assaulted Althea Eaton. Eaton got fired from the show, and he ended up filing a lawsuit against Joseline. The drama continues to unfold, and as we enjoy Love and Hip Hop season 4, we look forward to real entertainment.